
There are two ways to configure a calculation, through environment variables, or through a yaml config file. Both methods can be used in conjuction with another, however a value inside of the config file will override a value in the environment.


All environment variables are prefixed with JOBCALC_, with one exception, debug mode can be set by either JOBCALC_DEBUG or DEBUG in the environment.

Below is description of each variable and what it does

Environment Variable (left), Yaml Variable (right)

  • JOBCALC_DEBUG, debug

    Puts calculation into debug mode for verbose logging.

  • JOBCALC_CURRENCY_FORMAT, currency_format

    Sets format for currency string’s. Should be set to a valid format used by babel.numbers.format_currency. Defaults to USD.

  • JOBCALC_LOCALE, locale

    Sets locale for currency string’s. Should be set to a valid locale used by babel.numbers.format_currency. Defaults to en_US.

  • JOBCALC_SEPERATOR, seperator

    Sets seperator to be used to seperate items in a string. Defaults to ;.

  • JOBCALC_DIVIDER, divider

    Sets divider to be used to divide key, value pairs in a string. Defaults to :.

  • JOBCALC_RATE, rate

    An hourly rate to be used in the calculations. Defaults to 0.

  • JOBCALC_DEFAULT_HOURS, default_hours

    Hours to _always_ use in a calculation. Defaults to 0.

  • JOBCALC_MARGINS, margins

    A dict like string used to have named margins that can be used. Margins get converted to Percentage‘s. An example would be ‘fifty:50;forty:40’. And when setting a value for a margin then you can use ‘fifty’ for a 50% margin. The key and value neead to be seperated by the JOBCALC_DIVIDER and the items need to be seperated by the JOBCALC_SEPERATOR.

  • JOBCALC_DISCOUNTS, discounts

    A dict like string used to have named discounts that can be used. Discounts get converted to Percentage‘s. An example would be ‘standard:5;deluxe:10’. The key and value need to be seperated by the JOBCALC_DIVIDER and the items need to be seperated by the JOBCALC_SEPERATOR.

  • JOBCALC_DEDUCTIONS, deductions

    A dict like string used to have named deductions that can be used. Deductions get converted to Currency‘s. An example would be ‘one:100;two:200’. The key and value need to be seperated by the JOBCALC_DIVIDER and the items need to be seperated by the JOBCALC_SEPERATOR.


It is also possible to set a default value for the dict like strings. by including the key 'default' inside the string, it’s value can either be another key inside the dict string or an actual value that will get converted to the appropriate type.

Terminal Config Environment Variables

The following variables are relevant to TerminalConfig. Most of these varibles are boolean strings, any of the following values will be determined as True.

  • ‘true’ in any combination of upper or lowercase (ex. ‘TrUE’ will be True).
  • ‘1’

Anything else is False.

  • JOBCALC_PROMPT, prompt

    A bool string that if determined to be True and the job-calc command is called from the terminal without a sub-command, then we will invoke the prompt-all sub-command. If False then the help doc will be shown. Default is False.

  • JOBCALC_SUPPRESS, suppress

    A bool string that if determined to be True will suppress the detailed table output on all sub-commands. Default is False.

  • JOBCALC_FORMULA, formula

    A bool string that if determined to be True will show the formula string on any sub-commands. Default is False.

  • JOBCALC_ALLOW_EMPTY, allow_empty

    A bool string that if determined to be True will not prompt the user for values that are determined to be empty. Default is False.

  • JOBCALC_PROMPT_SEPERATOR, prompt_seperator

    A string that is used to seperate multiple items during a prompt. Defaults to an empty space ' '. This allows multiple values to be passed in at a prompt.

Yaml Config Example

The following is an example yaml file that can be used to configure a calculation.


    standard: 5
    deluxe: 10
    premium: 15
    default: deluxe
rate: 20
formula: true
allow_empty: true
$ job-calc -c config.yml --margin 50 --hours 10 table 123

| $323.00  | 50.0%  | 10.0%    | $0.00     | $581.40 |


color key: subtotal margin discount deduction total

subtotal = (123 + (10 * 20))

    (($323.00 / (1 - 50.0%) * (1 - 10.0%)) - $0.00) = $581.40

As you can see in the above, our discount get’s set to the default key. Which maps back to deluxe which is 10%. Our hours get multiplied by the rate set in the config. And the output also show’s the formula for the calculation.

Environment Config Example

The following is the same as the Yaml Config Example only using environment variables instead.

$ export JOBCALC_DISCOUNTS='standard:5;deluxe:10;premium:15;default:deluxe' &&
export JOBCALC_RATE=20 && \
export JOBCALC_FORMULA=true && \
export JOBCALC_ALLOW_EMPTY=true && \
job-calc --margin 50 --hours 10 table 123

| $323.00  | 50.0%  | 10.0%    | $0.00     | $581.40 |


color key: subtotal margin discount deduction total

subtotal = (123 + (10 * 20))

    (($323.00 / (1 - 50.0%) * (1 - 10.0%)) - $0.00) = $581.40