Source code for jobcalc.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Dict, Any, Callable, Union, Tuple
import os
import logging

import click
import colorclass

from .exceptions import NotCallableError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _return_input(value: Any) -> Any:
    """Helper to return the input.  This can be used as a valid callback.
    return value

def _converter(cls):
    """Helper to wrap a ``click.ParamType`` as a callback to convert values
    to the appropriate type.
    if not hasattr(cls, 'convert'):
        raise TypeError('invalid object does not have a convert method')

    def wrapper(value: Any) -> Any:
        return cls.convert(value, None, None)
    return wrapper

[docs]def ensure_callback(callback: Callable[[Any], Any], error: bool=True ) -> Callable[[Any], Any]: """Ensures that a callback is ``callable``. Either raising errors or returning a valid callback. If ``error`` is ``False`` and the callback is not callable, then we return a callable that takes a single value as input and returns that same value. :param callback: The callback to check. :param error: If ``True``, raise a ``NotCallableError`` if the callback is not callable. If ``False`` we will return a valid callback, rather than error. Default is ``True``. :raises NotCallableError: If the callback is not callable and ``error`` is ``True``. """ if callable(callback): # return the value, since it's valid return callback elif error is True: # raise an error, if that's what they want. raise NotCallableError(callback) # return a valid callable/callback return _return_input
[docs]def dict_from_env_string(string: Union[str, dict], seperator: str=None, divider: str=None, type: Callable[[Any], Any]=None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Creates a dict from a string, using a ``seperator`` to seperate the items and a ``divider`` to distinguish key, value pairs. :param string: The string to create the dict from. :param seperator: The seperator to use to seperate items in the string. Defaults to ``';'``. This can also be set by the environment variable ``JOBCALC_SEPERATOR``. :param divider: Divides key, value pairs. Defaults to ``':'``. This can also be set by the environment variable ``JOBCALC_DIVIDER``. :param type: Callback to use to convert all the values to a certain type. Example:: >>> dict_from_env_string('standard:5;deluxe:10;premium:15') {'standard': '5', 'deluxe': '10', 'premium': '15'} >>> dict_from_env_string('standard:5;deluxe:10;premium:15', ... type=Percentage) {'standard': Percentage('0.5'), 'deluxe': Percentage('0.1'), 'premium': Percentage('0.15')} """ if string is None or string == '': return {} elif isinstance(string, dict): return string if type and not callable(type): raise NotCallableError(type) # we need to have type be a callable, to make the dict # comprehension work/ easier. So set it to _return_type (which just returns # the value) if type is none type = type or _return_input if seperator is None: seperator = os.environ.get('JOBCALC_SEPERATOR', ';') else: seperator = str(seperator) if divider is None: divider = os.environ.get('JOBCALC_DIVIDER', ':') else: divider = str(divider) split = list(x.split(divider) for x in str(string).split(seperator)) logger.debug('split: {}'.format(split)) i = 0 for item in split: if not len(item) == 2: logger.debug('invalid item in env_string: {}'.format(item)) split.pop(i) i += 1 logger.debug('split: {}'.format(split)) return { key: type(value) for (key, value) in split } ''' except ValueError: # string was invalid, declared a key without a value. logger.debug('invalid env string: {}'.format(string)) raise InvalidEnvString(string) '''
[docs]def parse_input_string(string: str, seperator: str=';', convert: Callable[[Any], Any]=None) -> Tuple[Any]: """Parses an input string that could have multiple values passed in from the command line. .. note:: This method always returns a tuple, which can be of length 1 or more. :param string: The input string to parse. :param seperator: The seperator used to seperate items. Defaults to ``';'``. :param convert: A callback that can be used to convert all the parsed values to a type. This can be a ``callable`` that recieves a single value and returns a single value, or we can also handle ``click.ParamType``'s. Default is ``None``. Example:: >>> parse_input_string('123;456') ('123', '456') >>> parse_input_string('123;456', convert=Currency) (Currency('123'), Currency('456')) >>> parse_input_string('123') ('123', ) """ # handle convert appropriately if it is a ``click.ParamType``, # then we use it's convert method. This is useful if # the value is possibly a value in an ``env_dict`` if convert is not None and isinstance(convert, click.ParamType): # use a simple wrapper to wrap to call it's convert method # appropriately. convert = _converter(convert) elif convert is None: # falback to the _return_input callback. convert = _return_input # trim and split the string, based on the ``seperator`` split = (str(s).strip() for s in str(string).strip().split(seperator) if s != '') # ``convert`` the items and return as a tuple of items``. return tuple(map(convert, split))
[docs]def flatten(*args, ignoretypes: Any=str): """A generator to flatten iterables, containing single items and possible other iterables into a single iterable. :param args: Any value to check for sub-lists (iterable) and flatten. :param ignoretypes: A type or tuple of types to ignore (not flatten). Default is ``str``. Example:: >>> list(flatten([1, 2, [3, 4], [5, [6, 7], [8, 9]]])) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> mylist = ['1', '2', [3, ['4'], ['5 is alive', 6], 7], [8, '9.0']] >>> list(flatten(mylist)) ['1', '2', 3, '4', '5 is alive', 6, 7, 8, '9.0'] >>> list(flatten([1, 2, (3, 4, 5)], ignoretypes=tuple)) [1, 2, (3, 4, 5)] """ for value in args: if isinstance(value, ignoretypes): # don't iterate over strings yield value elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): for i in flatten(*value, ignoretypes=ignoretypes): yield i else: yield value
[docs]def colorize(string: str, color: str) -> colorclass.Color: """Returns a colorized string. .. seealso:: ``colorclass`` :param string: The string to colorize. :param color: The color for the string. Example:: >>> colorize('some string', 'red') Color('\x1b[31msome string\x1b[39m') """ return colorclass.Color('{' + str(color) + '}' + str(string) + '{/' + str(color) + '}')
[docs]def bool_from_env_string(string: str) -> bool: """Convert a string recieved from an environment variable into a bool. 'true', 'TRUE', 'TrUe', 1, '1' = True Everything else is False. :param string: The string to convert to a bool. """ if str(string).lower() == 'false' or str(string) == '': return False if str(string).lower() == 'true': return True try: int_value = int(string) if int_value == 1: return True else: return False except: return False