Source code for jobcalc.formatters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Any  # , Any
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import contextlib
import decimal

import terminaltables
import colorclass

from .utils import colorize
from .param_types import Currency, Percentage

# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ColorContext = namedtuple('ColorContext', ('subtotal', 'margin', 'discount',
                                           'deduction', 'total'))
"""A named tuple used to hold colors for items when rendered.

:param subtotal:  Color for subtotal's
:param margin:  Color for margin's
:param discount:  Color for discount's
:param deduction:  Color for deduction's
:param total:  Color for total's

TotaledContext = namedtuple('TotaledContext', ColorContext._fields)
"""Holds all the values to be rendered by a formatter.

:param subtotal:  The subtotal of all the costs, hours, etc. for a calculation.
:param discount:  The sum of all the percentage discounts for a calculation.
:param deduction:  The sum of all the monetary deductions for a calculation.
:param total:  The total of the calculation.

DEFAULT_COLORS = ColorContext(
"""Default colors to use as the ``ColorContext``."""

color key: {header}


    (({subtotal} / (1 - {margin}) * (1 - {discount})) - {deduction}) = {total}
"""A basic formula string to be formatted and rendered, to show the formula for
a calculation.

[docs]class BaseFormatter(object): """All formatter's should sub-class this object, and override the :py:meth:`render` method. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def colorize(item: Any, color: str) -> colorclass.Color: """If an item is a :py:class:`Currency` or :py:class:`Percentage`, then call it's ``formatted_string`` method, before colorizing the value. :param item: A string, Currency, or Percentage to colorize. :param color: The color to use on the item. """ if isinstance(item, (Currency, Percentage)): item = item.formatted_string() return colorize(item, color)
[docs] def render(calculator) -> str: """The method all sub-classes should override to render a calculator. :raises NotImplementedError: If a sub-class does not implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs] def totaled_ctx(calculator: Any) -> TotaledContext: """A context manager that yields the ``TotaledContext`` for a calculator. """ with calculator.ctx() as ctx: yield TotaledContext(*list(ctx) + [])
[docs]class BasicFormatter(BaseFormatter): """A basic formatter that renders the total as a formatted string. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def render(calculator: Any) -> str: """Return the total as formatted currency string.""" try: return except AttributeError as exc: logger.debug('failed render for calculator: {}, exc: {}'.format( calculator, exc) ) raise TypeError("'{}' should inherit from BaseCalculator".format( calculator) )
[docs]class TerminalFormatter(terminaltables.AsciiTable, BaseFormatter): """A ``terminaltables.AsciiTable``, that supports colors and a title. :param colors: A 5 tuple or :py:class:`ColorContext` of strings that can be used by to convert an item to a ``colorclass.Color``. Defaults to (subtotal='magenta', margin='blue', discount='yellow', deduction='red', total='green'). :param title: A title for the table. Defaults to ``'DETAILED'``. If you do not want a title, then this can be set to ``None`` :param no_colors: If ``True``, turns off colored output for the table. Default is ``False``. :param color_header: If ``True`` then colorize the header as well. Default is ``False``. """ def __init__(self, *colors, title: str='DETAILED', no_colors: bool=False, color_header: bool=False): super().__init__([], title=title) if colors and no_colors is False: self.colors = ColorContext(*colors) elif no_colors is False: self.colors = DEFAULT_COLORS self.no_colors = no_colors self.color_header = color_header
[docs] def render(self, calculator: Any) -> str: """Set's up the table, and returns it as a string, to be rendered. :param calculator: The calculator to create a table for. Should be a :py:class:`BaseCalculator` or sub-class. """ with self.totaled_ctx(calculator) as ctx: headers = TotaledContext(*map(lambda x: x.upper(), TotaledContext._fields)) if self.color_header is True: headers = list(map(lambda x: self.colorize(*x), zip(headers, self.colors))) body = list(ctx) if self.no_colors is False: body = list(map(lambda items: self.colorize(*items), zip(body, self.colors))) logger.debug('body: {}'.format(body)) self.table_data = [headers, body] return self.table
# TODO: Create a ``ColorContextError`` to raise instead of ``TypeError`` # if colors is the wrong size.
[docs]class FormulaFormatter(BaseFormatter): """Prints the formula used for the calculations. :param colors: A 5 tuple or ``ColorContext`` of strings that can be used by to convert an item to a ``colorclass.Color``. Defaults to (subtotal='magenta', margin='blue', discount='yellow', deduction='red', total='green'). :param formula_string: A string to use for the format. This should be a a string that we call ``format``, that accepts kwargs (header, subtotal, margin, discount, deduction, and total). Defaults to ``DEFAULT_FORMULA_STRING``. :param no_color: Turns colored output off. :param title: Title to display before the output. :raises TypeError: If colors is not a 5 tuple. """ def __init__(self, *colors, formula_string: str=None, no_color: bool=False, title: str='FORMULA') -> None: self.title = title if colors and no_color is False: # convert the colors to a ``ColorContext`` # this can raise ``TypeError`` if not enough or too many values. self.colors = ColorContext(*colors) elif no_color is False: # set the colors to the default self.colors = DEFAULT_COLORS self.no_color = no_color # set the formula string to use for this instance. if formula_string: self.formula_string = formula_string else: self.formula_string = DEFAULT_FORMULA_STRING
[docs] def render(self, calculator: Any) -> str: """Render a formula string used for a ``BaseCalculator`` instance or sub-class. :param calculator: A ``BaseCalculator`` or sub-class to use as the context for the output. """ with self.totaled_ctx(calculator) as ctx: # find the hours and rate to build the subtotal # formula hours = calculator._hours() rate = decimal.Decimal(str(calculator.rate)) # format a subtotal formula string. subtotal_string = \ 'subtotal = ({costs} + ({hours} * {rate}))'.format( costs=ctx.subtotal - (hours * rate), hours=hours, rate=rate) # colorize if applicable. if self.no_color is False: ctx = TotaledContext(*map(lambda x: self.colorize(*x), zip(ctx, self.colors))) header = ' '.join(map(lambda x: self.colorize(*x), zip(ctx._fields, self.colors))) else: ctx = TotaledContext(*map(lambda x: x.formatted_string(), ctx)) header = ' '.join(ctx._fields) # get the values from the context, either colored or not, # and add our headers. values = ctx._asdict() values['header'] = header values['subtotal_string'] = subtotal_string # format the string (``self.formual_string``) formatted = self.formula_string.format(**values) # build and return the final output string. return '\n'.join((self.title, '-' * len(self.title), formatted))